Delicious Belgian Cheese Croquettes: A Crispy & Creamy Appetizer

Discover the world of Belgian cuisine with these delicious, homemade cheese croquettes! This crispy and creamy appetizer is a classic in Belgium and is perfect to serve during a dinner party with friends or family. With a filling of melting Gruyère and a crispy crust, these cheese croquettes are irresistibly tasty.

In this recipe, we teach you step by step how to make these delightful cheese croquettes, from preparing a thick béchamel sauce to frying the croquettes to golden brown perfection. We also share handy tips and tricks to ensure that your cheese croquettes become a success.

Try this recipe today and be surprised by the fantastic taste of this Belgian classic. Enjoy your meal! 

Cheese Croquettes

recipe photo
Category: Appetizers
Cooking Time: 1 h 30 min
Kitchen: Belgian Cuisine
Cost Range: Moderate



  1. Prepare a thick béchamel sauce with the milk and the white roux.
  2. Mix the egg yolks and the cream to make a liaison and add it to the béchamel sauce.
  3. Fold the grated Gruyère cheese into the sauce.
  4. Season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg.
  5. Pour the cheese mixture onto a greased tray and cover it with parchment paper to prevent crust formation.
  6. Allow the cheese mixture to set in the refrigerator.
  7. Use a round cutter to cut out the cheese mixture.
  8. Make the anglaise by mixing the egg whites, water, salt, and pepper.
  9. Bread the cheese croquettes using the English method (flour, anglaise, breadcrumbs).
  10. Fry the cheese croquettes in hot oil.
  11. Fry the washed parsley in the oil as well and season with salt.
  12. Place the cheese croquettes on a serving platter with lace paper and sprinkle them with the fried parsley.

When breading the cheese croquettes, it can sometimes get messy and the flour, egg mixture, and breadcrumbs can stick to your hands. To prevent this, you can use the "wet hand, dry hand" technique.
Use one hand to roll the croquette in the flour and breadcrumbs (dry hand) and the other hand to dip the croquette in the egg mixture (anglaise) (wet hand). This way, you prevent the breadcrumbs and flour from sticking to your hands, making breading more efficient and tidy.

And one more small tip: make sure the oil in the deep fryer is nice and hot (around 180°C) before frying the cheese croquettes. This ensures they turn evenly brown and crispy, and the filling stays deliciously creamy. 
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