Béarnaise Sauce

Ah, Béarnaise sauce, a true jewel in the crown of French gastronomy! Did you know that this velvety sauce is actually a derivative of the famous Hollandaise sauce? Yes, you read that right. These two culinary legends are closely related, yet unique in their own right.


Back in the 19th century, in the era of culinary giants like Escoffier, Béarnaise sauce was born. It's a story of creativity and finesse. Like Hollandaise sauce, Béarnaise is made from an emulsion of egg yolk and butter, but here's the twist: a delicious gastrique of vinegar, herbs, and shallots adds that distinctive spicy, herby touch.


But what makes Béarnaise sauce so special? It's the perfect symphony of flavors. The richness of the butter, the spiciness of the gastrique, and the freshness of tarragon and chervil dance together in harmonious balance. And let's not forget how this sauce has nestled itself in the hearts of gourmets all over the world. From an elegant accompaniment to a perfectly grilled steak to a refined addition to vegetables, Béarnaise sauce is versatile and always impressive.


Over the years, Béarnaise sauce has proven itself as a timeless classic. It's not just a sauce, it's a story, a legacy that speaks through every drop. So the next time you taste or prepare this sauce, think of its rich history and the culinary masters who have perfected this art. Cheers to Béarnaise sauce, a timeless classic that continues to enchant! 🍴✨

Béarnaise Sauce

recipe photo
Category: Cooking Techniques
Cooking Time: 15 min
Kitchen: French Cuisine
Cost Range: Cheap



  1. Gently melt the butter and remove the albumin to obtain clarified butter.
  2. Separate the eggs. Beat the yolks in a bowl.
  3. Add a portion of the gastrique to the yolks and beat until foamy.
  4. Pour this mixture into a saucepan. Heat on low and continuously whisk. Occasionally remove from heat to regulate temperature.
  5. Gradually add the clarified butter to the yolk mixture, whisking until a foamy sauce is obtained.
  6. Season with pepper, salt, and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  7. Stir in chopped tarragon (and chervil) to the sauce.
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